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A different kind of tourism

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The Coopérative de solidarité is an initiative by and for local people. Faced with a sharp decline in tourism, the local population came together to find solutions. That is how the Coopérative was born. The Station de montagne sur mer ecotourism initiative was proposed to revitalize Mont-Saint-Pierre, repurpose the village buildings (including the church) and encourage visitors to consider the town as a destination rather than just a place to pass through.

As an organization rooted in its community and aiming to preserve the essence of the mountain and Mont-Saint-Pierre for its 170 residents, the Coopérative took the time to consult the population on several occasions, to conduct capacity studies and to create a visitor code of conduct. That’s how we created a destination that reflects our vision.

Here are some of the actions we have taken to respect the Coopérative’s values.

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Sustainable mobility.

  • Implementation of sustainable mobility.
  • Rehabilitation of hiking trails.
  • Facilitation of snowshoeing and backcountry skiing access to summits (Delta and Lynx Tails).
  • Addition of bike racks at the beach and Place du Village.
  • Creation of a bike repair and tire inflation station at Place du Village.
  • Implementation of a shuttle service.
  • Creation of parking lots at Salle du Clocher and Complexe Claude Mercier to reduce vehicle traffic.
  • Promotion of active transportation for short distances instead of using the Station de montagne sur mer shuttle bus.
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Universal accessibility

  • Addition of a wheelchair access mat to the beach (at the east end of the village).
  • Allowing visitors to walk the trails with a dog (on a leash).
  • Improved accessibility for people with reduced mobility (except for the Observation Deck). Contact us for more details.
  • Redirection of recreational vehicles to a designated area.
  • Installation of headphones at an appropriate height for people with reduced mobility at Espace Découverte.
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Sustainable construction

  • Rainwater harvesting at the summit of Mont Saint-Pierre.
  • Reduction of nighttime light pollution through intelligent lighting at the summit.
  • Development of the beach area with wood and recovery of barn wood for the construction of Terrasse les Vagues.
  • Construction of a wooden staircase in the ridge section of the Delta Trail.
  • Harmonious integration of amenities: Place du Village, Terrasse les Vagues, the beach.
  • Development of the beach to protect the shoreline.

Energy efficiency

  • Insulation of walls and ceilings to new energy standards in most of our buildings.
  • Conversion to electric heating from oil heating at Espace Découverte.
  • Installation of smart thermostats in most of our buildings.
  • Installation of new energy-efficient windows in most of our buildings.
  • Use of materials with a low energy footprint (wood).
  • Use of LED bulbs in buildings.
  • Renovation of the summit lodge to provide better insulation.

Responsible sourcing

  • Prioritization of local materials and food.
  • Purchase of locally produced beer for our events.
  • Reutilization of furniture from the old inn and church.
  • Repurposing of cable drums from a regional contractor for the creation of tables used in Place du Village.
  • Repurposing of materials from an old shed for the construction of Terrasse les Vagues.
  • Major renovation of the inn instead of building a new building.
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Sharing economy

  • Purchase of used vehicles.
  • Sale and donation of church objects to prevent them from going to the landfill.


Collaboration with a local company to share the shuttle service.

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Waste reduction

  • Return of unsold food and beverages to our suppliers to avoid food waste.
  • Prioritization of reusable baskets over disposable plates.
  • Use of reusable glasses for events (with a deposit).
  • Replacement of white paper napkins with brown paper rolls (less packaging and no toxic bleaching agents).
  • Use of reusable laundry bags.
  • Bulk purchase of biodegradable cleaning products, disinfectants and hygiene products.
  • Installation of water fountains to avoid buying bottled water.

Waste sorting

  • Addition of compost collection in the village.
  • Replacement of individual trash cans with four ways sorting bins.
  • Education of staff, residents and visitors about the type of waste accepted.
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Carbon footprint

  • Reduction in the footprint of our website host: Self-construction of their data centres and servers for improved durability and easy refurbishment of its components.
  • Use of optimal cooling technology for the servers.
  • Host prioritization of renewable energies and achieving zero waste to landfill by 2025.
  • Ongoing environmental responsibility efforts by our multimedia design service provider: Utilization of the most energy-efficient equipment possible.
  • Replacement of plastic packaging (where possible) by our multimedia design service provider.
  • Reduction in volume of waste thanks to a fine-tuned system by our multimedia design service provider.
  • Recycling of more than one ton of metal per year by our multimedia design service provider.
  • Recycling of display devices, computers and other electronic components at the end of their useful life by our multimedia design service provider.
  • Recycling of all cardboard and plastic from audiovisual equipment installation activities by our multimedia design service provider.
  • Use of walkie-talkies instead of cell phones at the Mont Saint-Pierre summit.
  • Proper disposal of printer (and related ink cartridges) at the end of its useful life at the local ecocenter.
  • Conscious decision not to include any video on the mobile version of our website to reduce data usage.
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Biodiversity conservation

  • Prohibition of motor vehicles on the beach.
  • Landscaping with native or pollinator-friendly plants.
  • Preservation of as many trees as possible during construction projects.
  • Development of our territory to preserve its attractiveness and facilitate its protection.
  • Ecological reserve encompassing the summit of Mont Alexis-Ouellet and Mont du Blond
  • Encouraging the preservation of flora.
  • Redevelopment of our hiking trails instead of creating new ones.

Responsible communication

  • Ongoing communication to residents via a newsletter and postal letters (for those who don’t use digital tools and social media) throughout the project development process.
  • Meeting with partners and residents to respond to questions, wishes or concerns.
  • Organization of a press conference that doesn’t use any printed material.
  • Newsletter promotion of elements contained in the Visitor Code of Conduct (e.g., four-way waste sorting bins).
  • Communication with La Haute-Gaspésie RCM to find out what is accepted in the various waste bins in order to properly inform residents and visitors.
  • Promotion of the protection of flora on social media.
  • Installation of interpretative panels at the summit to educate and raise awareness about the effects of climate change on ecological reserves containing rare, vulnerable or endangered plant species.
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Social involvement

Organization of a garage sale in the fall of 2023 to offer the local and surrounding community the opportunity to purchase church furniture at a low price.

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Improved employment conditions

  • Provision of health and safety training.

  • Installation of outdoor shelter for breaks in the shade and out of the rain.

  • Respect for the staff’s physical limitations.

  • Adoption of flexible working hours.

  • Provision of permanent, seasonal, part-time and contract positions.

  • Insurance and ability to work from home outside of peak season for permanent staff.

  • Generous annual vacation entitlement.

  • Career advancement opportunities (first job, management position, etc.).

  • Implementation of a digital disconnection policy outside of working hours.

  • Availability of on-site accommodation.

  • Contribution to the establishment of a new ecotourism destination.

Social acceptability

  • Realization of impact studies to determine the actual capacity of Mont Saint-Pierre and to set a maximum number of visitors.
  • Free access to the mountain for Mont-Saint-Pierre residents.
  • Free access to attractions (after one paid visit) for residents.
  • Safeguarding of cultural and religious heritage: the iconic inn and its motel rooms, the church and the historical fishing shed.
  • Addition of interpretive panels on the history of Mont-Saint-Pierre.
  • Limitation of vehicle traffic in the village for the peace and quiet of the residents.

Caring for Mont-Saint-Pierre

Coming to Mont-Saint-Pierre is also a commitment to protect its magnificent landscape. That’s why we’ve created a code of conduct.

Aidez-nous à protéger Mont-Saint-Pierre